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Underwriting Database
Members are required to keep their underwriting data up-to-date throughout the year using our online underwriting database.  This includes their vehicles, buildings, and other property.
Once a year, our members must also update their Renewal Form in preparation for our annual budget renewal.  Data from this form is used to calculate our member's contribution for the coming year.
Most of our members utilize our online reporting tool called the I-Reporter.  Using this application allows our members to enter Driver and Supervisor incident reports online, as well as upload photos and other documents, manage incidents, and create custom data reports.
If you are not currently using the I-Reporter, contact Andy Hodovan to schedule a demo. 
Document Portal
Only members authorized to have access to our internal document portal can enter this area.  From here, members can find Board Packets to upcoming meetings, view our Policies, access Financial Documentation, as well as other informative documents, such as Presentations. 



1 Park Centre Dr., Ste. 300

Wadsworth, OH 44281

T: 330-334-OTRP (6877)
F: 330-336-7130


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Ohio Transit Risk Pool is a Public Entity.  For information on submitting a public records request, view our Public Records Policy below.

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